Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Review Carrera Orange Sply

Carrera’s new rc helicopter Orange Sply is a 3-channel coaxial helicopter for indoor use. The helicopter is largely identical to the Carrera Red buzzer. It differs in the (orange) panel and uses the modern 2.4-Ghz wireless technology, while the Red Buzzer uses the cheaper and less reliable infared remote control.

Delivery & Price

The price at Amazon is around 42 euros. The required 4xAA batteries for the remote control are included.

Package contains:
  • Helikopter „Orange Sply“
  • Charger  für plug socket & USB
  • 2.4 GHz remote control
  • 4xAA Batterien
  • Replacement rotor blades

  • 3 Channel coaxial helicopter
  • Gyro System
  • Metal chassis
  • Weight: 41 g
  • 2.4 GHz remote control
  • Flight time of up to 6 minutes
  • Charging time: 30 minutes via soclet plug ot USB
  • Intermal 3.7 V 150 mAH LipoBlinkende LED Lichter
  • Flashing led lights

Product quality

Stability is a top priority for the Orange Sply. The motor of the main rotor and the electronics are housed in a rugged aluminum body. Also the connecting struts to the rear are made of sturdy metal. The chassis is made of plastic in order to give in for a smooth landing. The outer lining is also made of plastic.

 The remote control is useful and robust. To charge the battery, a power adapter and a USB charging cable is included, both are well made. The battery is fully charged when the LED of the USB cable is red. If anything is going to break, at Carrera spare parts are available for the Orange Sply.

Operating and Flight Characteristics

Before the first flight, you have to mount the drives for the controller (located in the two compartments of the remote control) and insert the supplied batteries into the remote control. In the first flight the helicopter needs to be trimmed, use the switch under the right stick. For example if the aircraft rotates to the left, press the right switch until it stops rotating.

The aircraft has stable flight characteristics and can be steered quite accurate. But it cannot keep up with the outstanding flight characteristics of Symas S107G. With one battery charge flight times of 5-6 minutes are possible. Especially beginners make a good choice with the Orange Sply.


Carrera’s Orange Sply is a good helicopter: robust and nice to foly. Modern 2.4 GHz wireless technology promises interference-free control. On windless and dry days adventurous pilots can also take a flight on the doorstep into consideration. Target group of the Orange Splys are beginners of rc helicopter flight.

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